Business Development
Licensing In & Out
The growth plan of Laboratorios ERN, S.A. both at national and international level is currently one of the company’s priority objectives, and the Business Development department is responsible for negotiating strategic agreements to achieve this objective.
Our strategic agreements
These agreements are based primarily on:

Licensing in
Acquisition of assets and pharmaceutical registrations.

Licensing out
Internationalization of own medicines.

strategic agreements
Projects based on strategic agreements

Active pharmaceutical ingredients:
LABORATORIOS ERN seeks agreements with other companies for the acquisition of active pharmaceutical ingredients marketed in Spain and in other countries such as Italy, France, and Portugal consistent with its own vademecum.
Acquisitions since 2015 account for more than 25% of the Company’s current turnover and include prescription medicines such as, among others, Fortecortín®, Dacortín®, Rupafin®, Disgren® and also include other over-the-counter products such as Filvit®, Innovage®, Suita®, Multidermol® among others.
LABORATORIOS ERN also acquires international registrations, in some cases through a prior process of licensing in, with the goal of launching new products in Spain.
Recent examples of licensing in have been: Metalgial®, Tusclin® and RYM®.
Strategic promotion agreements
Since 1996, LABORATORIOS ERN has sought agreements with various companies for the promotion of products that, due to their profile, are adapted to the target group of doctors with whom it works, especially Paediatrics and Primary Care. The results prove of our capacity to promote for third parties. Recently, LABORATORIOS ERN has expanded its search for opportunities in OTC products.
Examples of such agreements are:

Since 1997, and through IONFARMA S.L.U., the marketing and promotion of the OTC CAPITAL PHARMA and PHARMA OTC S.L. product lines began.

Between April 2003 and October 2007 an agreement was reached with ASTRAZÉNECA FARMACÉUTICA SPAIN S.A for the promotion of Terbasmin® and Turbuhaler® in Spain.

Between 2008 and 2010 an agreement was reached with NOVARTIS CONSUMER HEALTH, currently NESTLE CONSUMER HEALTH, for the promotion of the line of nutritional supplements MERITENE and MERITENE JUNIOR on doctors visits.

From 2008 until the end of 2014, the NEUSC cosmetics and skin care line was marketed and promoted through IONFARMA S.L.U.

A range of Perrigo products has been launched to the market on 2020, including: Clenosan®, Pedisilk®, Tisufar®, Hibitane® and Hibit’s®

LABORATORIOS ERN has a wide portfolio of own products and offers the opportunity to reach agreements for international registrations. Out-licensing is illustrated by Apiredol in Poland with Pedicetamol.
Together with Nabriva Therapeutics, ERN Laboratories has applied for a New Drug Application (NDA) with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of urinary tract infections using intravenous fosfomycin sodium. In addition, a new method for the detection and quantification of impurities and degradation products for analytical control of the product has been developed, and a PCT patent has been applied for and is currently pending national phase entry.

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