New code of transparency in the pharmaceutical industry
Commitment to good practice

The pharmaceutical industry has voluntarily made new commitments to transparency and, as of January 1 st , 2016, all laboratories adhering to the Pharmaceutical Industry Code of Good Practice will publish on their website transfers of value and payments made to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations for donations, training activities, service provision and research and development for the previous year. This information will be updated annually.
The publication of this data is in line with the transparency obligations derived from the Code of Good Practice of the Pharmaceutical Industry. The publication of the information does not result in a general authorization for those accessing the website to carry out additional processing of the professionals data, such as cross-referencing it with public information on the websites of other partners. Likewise, we inform that LABORATORIOS ERN has adopted security levels to prevent the indexing of information through search engines.
More information on this initiative can be found at